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Community Guidelines for In-Person or Live Events

AIR’s Values

At AIR, we aspire to cultivate a community of learning, mutual support and accountability. We are more powerful as creators when we connect with, learn from and collaborate with our peers.

We know that diversity, equity, and inclusion must be actively practiced, and this consistently guides our work. When we aren’t hearing from the whole community, we aren’t hearing the whole story. We believe that newsrooms and media organizations must reflect the communities they cover; we support and hold them accountable to create the conditions that allow diverse voices and nuanced storytelling to thrive.

We value creativity, innovation and experimentation that move the craft forward. We resource and make space for inventive approaches to multimedia storytelling. And we collaborate on technologies, tools and infrastructures to support and increase the sustainability of our growing audio community.

We invest resources in untold stories and underrepresented storytellers, and believe that high-quality reporting and storytelling are essential tools to sustain a civically engaged, democratic society.

We believe in fostering a professional community rooted in shared standards of fair practice, designed to establish a level playing field; fairly value the work of independent media makers; and enable equitable negotiations and meaningful collaborations throughout one’s career.


As we participate in community events, we actively agree to the following guidelines: 

  • We agree to treat the community with respect and professionalism. Treat other community members with the same respect you’d want in return. Hostile, discriminatory, degrading or dismissive language will not be tolerated.
  • We agree to prioritize psychological and physical safety by refraining from using abusive language, engaging in oppressive behavior, or harassing fellow members.
  • We, as individuals and as a community, agree to be mindful of our own privileged backgrounds (such as wealth), our privileged identities (such as being white, male, cisgender, or heterosexual), and the privileges we have because of our positions at work (such as having power over someone’s job), and how these privileges will be brought into this space.
  • We commit to asking permission before taking pictures of event attendees. 
  • We agree to be conscious about how frequently we speak and for how long. We aim to give all participants equal time to speak and share whenever possible. A good rule of thumb is that in a room of N people, you should speak one Nth of the time. 
  • Should you have concerns or complaints about specific behavior, please locate the event host and/or send a message to a staff member at [email protected] so we may document your concern and determine recourse. 
  • Members who fail to observe these guidelines will be reminded by the AIR staff. Repeat offenders, at AIR’s discretion, may be removed from virtual and physical community spaces.