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Kaitlin Armstrong

Kaitlin Armstrong

New Voices '23

Tell us about yourself:

I’m a Honduran-American audio producer and writer. I grew up in Homer, Alaska and am now based in Anchorage, AK. I make documentary podcasts and other experimental works of audio, and my work is grounded in themes of identity, memory, and the relationship between narrative and perception. I’m also a mom to a very sweet and rambunctious one-year-old.

A piece of yours or project (in any medium) that you'd like to share.

I’ve spent the last two years working on a podcast called The Alaska Myth, which comes out this week! It’s a narrative series that explores how settler myths shape ideas about Alaska’s history and identity, and the consequences of those myths. The first episode discusses settler fantasies, the myth of “the real Alaskan,” and the problem with the moniker “the last frontier.”

What draws you to storytelling?

Storytelling is a powerful vehicle to map power, challenge assumptions, make sense of our experiences, foster understanding, and transform worldviews. I’m endlessly fascinated (and perplexed by) the puzzle of storytelling - how to keep a listener glued to their seat, how changes to a story’s structure shift its emotional resonance, etc.

What excites you the most about being a New Voices Scholar?

Being part of an amazing cohort of so many passionate and knowledgeable people, and having refreshing and honest discussions about the industry.

What’s playing on your radio/audio streaming service right now?

I loved the new seasons of Truth Be Told and The Dream, and am eagerly awaiting the next installment of Normal Gossip.

What’s the most underrated tool (technical or not) that you use in your creative process?

Mind mapping is a lifesaver for staying organized. I also like to edit scripts on paper and store drafts in a three ring binder so I can easily keep track of changes.

What is something you want to see more of in the industry?

More funds and financial opportunities for diverse producers to tell their stories.

Connect with Kaitlin on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.